Wednesday 26 January 2011

26th January

In today's lesson I started to create the basic layout for my preliminary website. Firstly I created the school name of the website by creating a text box and then changing the font and colour to exactly how I wanted it. I then started to create my navigation bar by creating 5 text box's with 5 different titles for each pages that would in theory link to their correct page if the pages were made; then, I joined them together, distributed them evenly, and aligned them from the top. to that they were straight. Next, I changed the colour of the background of the text box's to green and changed the colour of the text to black; I also put a shadow around the whole navigation bar to create depth. After, I started to create each of the text box's that would go onto the home page and placed them exactly where they needed to go, aligning them correctly to start to show the layout clearly. I then filled the background of the text box's to the same green as the navigation bar and added shadows to create depth. I then copied and pasted all of this onto another page which would be my media page.

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